Thursday, August 23, 2007

(4) Write to the state prosecutor regarding Vick's dogs.

In June 2007, a Richmond VA Circuit Court judge handed down a 4-year prison term to a convicted dogfighter Stacey Miller, whose dog fighting operation was "rinky-dink" compared to Vick's. So also, Vick and the 3 other defendants should be held accountable and punished for all heinous acts, regardless of plea deals, in Virginia. (Vick will plead guilty to Federal charges.)

On a state level, Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter claims he will pursue additional charges in Surry County, Virginia, where killing a companion animal is punishable by 5 years in prison. Please take a moment to e-mail Mr. Poindexter and urge him to prosecute Vick and his companions for killing companion animals, animal cruelty, and the other senseless acts of violence. But more important, please urge Mr. Poindexter to focus on the victims and urge him to do all he can to make sure they are not destroyed but sent to refuges where they can live out their lives and enjoy peace for the first time in their lives.

Mr. Poindexter's email is:

A sample letter will be posted here soon.

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